Trinity’s Trinitarian News

There is a box on the table in the back of the church for any monetary
donations that you may have for Thursday night meals. We have
been serving at least 100 take-out meals every week. We try very hard
to use only what we are able to obtain from the Midwest Food Bank
every two weeks, but sometimes we still need to buy additional
ingredients. We also purchase much needed necessities like paper
towels, toilet paper, toothpaste, bars of soap, etc. which are then
distributed to those who need them. Please donate as you are able.
THANKS, from the Thursday night meals crew!
Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation will be happening after services
every Sunday. Stopover in the social hall as your schedule allows to
catch up on happenings at Trinity!
Church cancellations due to inclement weather will be able to be seen
on WHP-CBS (Channel 21) in addition to WHTM (Channel 27). Jan
will also send out emails as soon as decisions are made. Hopefully, you
were all alerted in time for the cancellation last Sunday. If in doubt as to
whether or not there will be a church service, don’t hesitate to call Bob
Carrillo or Jan Holwig.
Sponsors for the weekly altar flower vases are needed. The cost is $30
for the pair. Please sign the sheets downstairs in the binder for a Sunday
(or more) during 2025. Also make note of whom the flowers are in
honor or in memory of. THANKS!
Trinity will again sponsor a student from Tree4Hope Academy in
Guatemala run by our long-time friend, David Tringali. If you are
interested in contributing $125 for one month of sponsorship, please
sign the sheet in the vestibule. Jan. through Apr. are now covered.